2000-04-10 Cooling off of US Tech Stocks

Daily Brady Bond Trading Commentary

Monday April 10, 2000

In the long run, a cooling off of U.S. tech stocks may help to push investors back into emerging markets debt in search of excess returns.

For the moment, however, any significant down-ticks in the NASDAQ raise fears of an abrupt correction and the negative impact it would have on global liquidity and investors' risk appetites. While we see value in Em debt after the most recent sell-off, we look for the same type of illiquid, choppy trading to continue into the foreseeable future. Peru's President Fujimori was running just shy of the 50% of votes needed, with less than half of the ballots counted, to avoid a runoff in his bid to secure a third term. With the opposition already crying foul and voters protesting the results, a Fujimori victory is likely to fuel further unrest.

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Credit Lyonnais Securities (USA) Inc.

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