2000-05-10 Debt prices dropped sharply

Daily Brady Bond Trading Commentary

Wednesday May 10 2000 

Emerging markets debt prices dropped sharply Wednesday, led by Argentina, whose fiscal deficit reading for April was disappointing at US$630 million. The target for Q2 is a US$660 million deficit, which will be very difficult to meet.

A rout in U.S. equity markets compounded the bearish tone for EM debt, and customer selling resumed after pausing for the first two days of the week. Sensing the underlying weakness or anticipating more paper from customers, many dealers have lightened positions or gone short. Spreads are reaching attractive levels, and a short-covering bounce is likely to occur in coming days.

But we caution that supply is plentiful, and patience should lead to some bargain opportunities.

Contributed by

Credit Lyonnais Securities (USA) Inc. 

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