1996-10-17 Local Press - Threats

Article Index

Threats and Graffiti in San Cristobal

Overnight, the graffiti on the walls of the prep school located one block from where the EZLN commanders will be staying during the upcoming meetings with Cocopa and Conai was completely changed. On Sunday, the graffiti included demands for free transit for Zapatista leaders and freedom for political prisoners accused of being Zapatistas. On Monday, the same wall carried very different messages: "Out with Marcos and the whore Ramona"; "Marcos, we’ve got our eyes on you"; and "Death penalty to the traitor Elorriaga" [Zapatista advisor and former political prisoner). (La Jornada, 15 October).

Investment in Chiapas

According to the Secretariat of Social Development (SEDESOL), this agency has invested more than 8 billion pesos (over $1 billion) in Chiapas this year. This represents 65% of the total of 12.695 billion pesos budgeted for Chiapas this year. (La Jornada. 11 October).

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